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Christian Ziermann b8da0c7023 Initial commit 4 年前
index.d.ts Initial commit 4 年前
index.js Initial commit 4 年前
license Initial commit 4 年前
package.json Initial commit 4 年前
readme.md Initial commit 4 年前


is-npm Build Status

Check if your code is running as an npm or yarn script


$ npm install is-npm


const {isNpmOrYarn, isNpm, isYarn} = require('is-npm');

console.table({isNpmOrYarn, isNpm, isYarn});
$ node foo.js
# ┌─────────────┬────────┐
# │   (index)   │ Values │
# ├─────────────┼────────┤
# │ isNpmOrYarn │ false  │
# │    isNpm    │ false  │
# │   isYarn    │ false  │
# └─────────────┴────────┘
$ npm run foo
# ┌─────────────┬────────┐
# │   (index)   │ Values │
# ├─────────────┼────────┤
# │ isNpmOrYarn │  true  │
# │    isNpm    │  true  │
# │   isYarn    │ false  │
# └─────────────┴────────┘
$ yarn run foo
# ┌─────────────┬────────┐
# │   (index)   │ Values │
# ├─────────────┼────────┤
# │ isNpmOrYarn │  true  │
# │    isNpm    │ false  │
# │   isYarn    │  true  │
# └─────────────┴────────┘

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