You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

12 lines

  1. import { FaItunes, FaSpotify, FaTwitter } from 'react-icons/fa';
  2. export default function LinkList() {
  3. return (
  4. <span className="flex flex-row justify-evenly w-1/3 bg-blue-900 bg-gradient-to-t top-1 bottom-1 rounded">
  5. <FaTwitter color="#1DA1F2" />
  6. <FaSpotify color="#1DB954" />
  7. <FaItunes color="white" />
  8. </span>
  9. )
  10. }