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47 Zeilen

  1. # See for more about ignoring files.
  2. # compiled output
  3. /dist
  4. /tmp
  5. /out-tsc
  6. # Only exists if Bazel was run
  7. /bazel-out
  8. # dependencies
  9. /node_modules
  10. # profiling files
  11. chrome-profiler-events*.json
  12. speed-measure-plugin*.json
  13. # IDEs and editors
  14. /.idea
  15. .project
  16. .classpath
  17. .c9/
  18. *.launch
  19. .settings/
  20. *.sublime-workspace
  21. # IDE - VSCode
  22. .vscode/*
  23. !.vscode/settings.json
  24. !.vscode/tasks.json
  25. !.vscode/launch.json
  26. !.vscode/extensions.json
  27. .history/*
  28. # misc
  29. /.sass-cache
  30. /connect.lock
  31. /coverage
  32. /libpeerconnection.log
  33. npm-debug.log
  34. yarn-error.log
  35. testem.log
  36. /typings
  37. # System Files
  38. .DS_Store
  39. Thumbs.db