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- # See for more about ignoring files.
- # compiled output
- /dist
- /tmp
- /out-tsc
- # Only exists if Bazel was run
- /bazel-out
- # dependencies
- /node_modules
- # profiling files
- chrome-profiler-events*.json
- speed-measure-plugin*.json
- # IDEs and editors
- /.idea
- .project
- .classpath
- .c9/
- *.launch
- .settings/
- *.sublime-workspace
- # IDE - VSCode
- .vscode/*
- !.vscode/settings.json
- !.vscode/tasks.json
- !.vscode/launch.json
- !.vscode/extensions.json
- .history/*
- # misc
- /.sass-cache
- /connect.lock
- /coverage
- /libpeerconnection.log
- npm-debug.log
- yarn-error.log
- testem.log
- /typings
- # System Files
- .DS_Store
- Thumbs.db