# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files. | |||||
# compiled output | |||||
/dist | |||||
/tmp | |||||
/out-tsc | |||||
# dependencies | |||||
/node_modules | |||||
package-lock.json | |||||
# IDEs and editors | |||||
/.idea | |||||
.project | |||||
.classpath | |||||
.c9/ | |||||
*.launch | |||||
.settings/ | |||||
*.sublime-workspace | |||||
# IDE - VSCode | |||||
.vscode/* | |||||
!.vscode/settings.json | |||||
!.vscode/tasks.json | |||||
!.vscode/launch.json | |||||
!.vscode/extensions.json | |||||
# misc | |||||
/.sass-cache | |||||
/connect.lock | |||||
/coverage | |||||
/libpeerconnection.log | |||||
npm-debug.log | |||||
testem.log | |||||
/typings | |||||
# e2e | |||||
/e2e/*.js | |||||
/e2e/*.map | |||||
# System Files | |||||
.DS_Store | |||||
Thumbs.db |
<!-- | |||||
IMPORTANT: Please use the following link to create a new issue: | |||||
https://www.creative-tim.com/new-issue/paper-kit-2-angular | |||||
**If your issue was not created using the app above, it will be closed immediately.** | |||||
--> | |||||
<!-- | |||||
Love Creative Tim? Do you need Angular, React, Vuejs or HTML? You can visit: | |||||
👉 https://www.creative-tim.com/bundles | |||||
👉 https://www.creative-tim.com | |||||
--> |
based on: https://github.com/creativetimofficial/pk2-angular.git |
{ | |||||
"$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json", | |||||
"version": 1, | |||||
"newProjectRoot": "projects", | |||||
"projects": { | |||||
"pk2-angular": { | |||||
"root": "", | |||||
"sourceRoot": "src", | |||||
"projectType": "application", | |||||
"architect": { | |||||
"build": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
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"src/assets", | |||||
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"node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", | |||||
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"src/assets/sass/paper-kit.scss", | |||||
"src/assets/css/demo.css", | |||||
"src/assets/css/nucleo-icons.css" | |||||
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"scripts": [ | |||||
"node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all.js", | |||||
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"optimization": true, | |||||
"outputHashing": "all", | |||||
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"buildOptimizer": true, | |||||
"fileReplacements": [{ | |||||
"replace": "src/environments/environment.ts", | |||||
"with": "src/environments/environment.prod.ts" | |||||
}] | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"serve": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"browserTarget": "pk2-angular:build" | |||||
}, | |||||
"configurations": { | |||||
"production": { | |||||
"browserTarget": "pk2-angular:build:production" | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"extract-i18n": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"browserTarget": "pk2-angular:build" | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"test": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"main": "src/test.ts", | |||||
"karmaConfig": "./karma.conf.js", | |||||
"polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts", | |||||
"tsConfig": "src/tsconfig.spec.json", | |||||
"scripts": [ | |||||
"node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all.js" | |||||
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"styles": [ | |||||
"node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", | |||||
"node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css", | |||||
"src/assets/sass/paper-kit.scss", | |||||
"src/assets/css/demo.css", | |||||
"src/assets/css/nucleo-icons.css" | |||||
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"assets": [ | |||||
"src/assets", | |||||
"src/favicon.ico" | |||||
] | |||||
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"lint": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"tsConfig": [ | |||||
"src/tsconfig.app.json", | |||||
"src/tsconfig.spec.json" | |||||
], | |||||
"exclude": [] | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"pk2-angular-e2e": { | |||||
"root": "e2e", | |||||
"sourceRoot": "e2e", | |||||
"projectType": "application", | |||||
"architect": { | |||||
"e2e": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:protractor", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"protractorConfig": "./protractor.conf.js", | |||||
"devServerTarget": "pk2-angular:serve" | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"lint": { | |||||
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint", | |||||
"options": { | |||||
"tsConfig": [ | |||||
"e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json" | |||||
], | |||||
"exclude": [] | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"defaultProject": "pk2-angular", | |||||
"schematics": { | |||||
"@schematics/angular:component": { | |||||
"prefix": "app", | |||||
"styleext": "scss" | |||||
}, | |||||
"@schematics/angular:directive": { | |||||
"prefix": "app" | |||||
} | |||||
}, | |||||
"cli": { | |||||
"analytics": false | |||||
} | |||||
} |
import { Pk2AngularCliFreePage } from './app.po'; | |||||
describe('pk2-angular-cli-free App', () => { | |||||
let page: Pk2AngularCliFreePage; | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
page = new Pk2AngularCliFreePage(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should display welcome message', () => { | |||||
page.navigateTo(); | |||||
expect(page.getParagraphText()).toEqual('Welcome to app!!'); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { browser, by, element } from 'protractor'; | |||||
export class Pk2AngularCliFreePage { | |||||
navigateTo() { | |||||
return browser.get('/'); | |||||
} | |||||
getParagraphText() { | |||||
return element(by.css('app-root h1')).getText(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
{ | |||||
"extends": "../tsconfig.json", | |||||
"compilerOptions": { | |||||
"outDir": "../out-tsc/e2e", | |||||
"module": "commonjs", | |||||
"target": "es5", | |||||
"types": [ | |||||
"jasmine", | |||||
"node" | |||||
] | |||||
} | |||||
} |
// Karma configuration file, see link for more information | |||||
// https://karma-runner.github.io/0.13/config/configuration-file.html | |||||
module.exports = function (config) { | |||||
config.set({ | |||||
basePath: '', | |||||
frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'], | |||||
plugins: [ | |||||
require('karma-jasmine'), | |||||
require('karma-chrome-launcher'), | |||||
require('karma-jasmine-html-reporter'), | |||||
require('karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter'), | |||||
require('@angular-devkit/build-angular/plugins/karma') | |||||
], | |||||
client:{ | |||||
clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser | |||||
}, | |||||
coverageIstanbulReporter: { | |||||
dir: require('path').join(__dirname, 'coverage'), reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly' ], | |||||
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true | |||||
}, | |||||
reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml'], | |||||
port: 9876, | |||||
colors: true, | |||||
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO, | |||||
autoWatch: true, | |||||
browsers: ['Chrome'], | |||||
singleRun: false | |||||
}); | |||||
}; |
{ | |||||
"name": "ziermach.de", | |||||
"version": "1.3.0", | |||||
"scripts": { | |||||
"ng": "ng", | |||||
"start": "ng serve", | |||||
"build": "ng build", | |||||
"test": "ng test", | |||||
"lint": "ng lint", | |||||
"e2e": "ng e2e", | |||||
"install:clean": "rm -rf node_modules/ && rm -rf package-lock.json && npm install && npm start" | |||||
}, | |||||
"dependencies": { | |||||
"@angular/animations": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/common": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/compiler": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/core": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/forms": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/http": "7.2.16", | |||||
"@angular/localize": "^9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/platform-browser": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/router": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.13.0", | |||||
"@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap": "6.0.0", | |||||
"bootstrap": "4.1.2", | |||||
"core-js": "3.6.4", | |||||
"jquery": "3.2.1", | |||||
"jw-bootstrap-switch-ng2": "2.0.1", | |||||
"ng2-nouislider": "1.7.12", | |||||
"nouislider": "9.2.0", | |||||
"popper.js": "1.14.4", | |||||
"rxjs": "6.5.4", | |||||
"rxjs-compat": "6.5.4", | |||||
"zone.js": "0.10.2" | |||||
}, | |||||
"devDependencies": { | |||||
"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "0.900.6", | |||||
"@angular/cli": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/compiler-cli": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@angular/language-service": "9.0.6", | |||||
"@types/jasmine": "3.5.9", | |||||
"@types/node": "13.9.1", | |||||
"codelyzer": "5.2.1", | |||||
"jasmine-core": "3.5.0", | |||||
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "4.2.1", | |||||
"karma": "4.4.1", | |||||
"karma-chrome-launcher": "3.1.0", | |||||
"karma-cli": "2.0.0", | |||||
"karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "2.1.1", | |||||
"karma-jasmine": "3.1.1", | |||||
"karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "1.5.2", | |||||
"protractor": "5.4.3", | |||||
"ts-node": "3.0.4", | |||||
"tslint": "6.1.0", | |||||
"typescript": "3.7.5" | |||||
} | |||||
} |
// Protractor configuration file, see link for more information | |||||
// https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/lib/config.ts | |||||
const { SpecReporter } = require('jasmine-spec-reporter'); | |||||
exports.config = { | |||||
allScriptsTimeout: 11000, | |||||
specs: [ | |||||
'./e2e/**/*.e2e-spec.ts' | |||||
], | |||||
capabilities: { | |||||
'browserName': 'chrome' | |||||
}, | |||||
directConnect: true, | |||||
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/', | |||||
framework: 'jasmine', | |||||
jasmineNodeOpts: { | |||||
showColors: true, | |||||
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, | |||||
print: function() {} | |||||
}, | |||||
onPrepare() { | |||||
require('ts-node').register({ | |||||
project: 'e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json' | |||||
}); | |||||
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displayStacktrace: true } })); | |||||
} | |||||
}; |
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router'; | |||||
import { environment } from 'environments/environment'; | |||||
import { AboutComponent } from 'app/pages/about/about.component'; | |||||
import { NotFoundComponent } from 'app/pages/not-found/not-found.component'; | |||||
import { ResumeComponent } from './pages/resume/resume.component'; | |||||
import { GamesDashboardComponent } from './pages/games-dashboard/games-dashboard.component'; | |||||
import { ProjectDashboardComponent } from './pages/project-dashboard/project-dashboard.component'; | |||||
import { MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/magnetic-recycling-queen/magnetic-recycling-queen.component'; | |||||
import { SaltyPiranhaComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/salty-piranha/salty-piranha.component'; | |||||
import { LaserBluesComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/laser-blues/laser-blues.component'; | |||||
import { WhatTheFungiComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/what-the-fungi/what-the-fungi.component'; | |||||
import { ImpressumComponent } from './shared/impressum/impressum.component'; | |||||
const routes: Routes = [ | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'resume', | |||||
component: ResumeComponent, | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'games', | |||||
children: [ | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'magnetic-recycling-queen', | |||||
component: MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'salty-piranha', | |||||
component: SaltyPiranhaComponent | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'laser-blues', | |||||
component: LaserBluesComponent | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'what-the-fungi', | |||||
component: WhatTheFungiComponent | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: '', | |||||
component: GamesDashboardComponent | |||||
} | |||||
] | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'projects', | |||||
component: ProjectDashboardComponent, | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'about', | |||||
component: AboutComponent, | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: 'legal', | |||||
component: ImpressumComponent, | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: '', | |||||
redirectTo: 'about', | |||||
pathMatch: 'full' | |||||
}, | |||||
{ | |||||
path: '**', | |||||
component: NotFoundComponent, | |||||
} | |||||
]; | |||||
@NgModule({ | |||||
imports: [ | |||||
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { | |||||
enableTracing: !environment.production | |||||
}), | |||||
], | |||||
exports: [RouterModule] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class AppRoutingModule { } |
<app-navbar></app-navbar> | |||||
<router-outlet></router-outlet> | |||||
<app-footer *ngIf="removeFooter()"></app-footer> |
import { TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; | |||||
describe('AppComponent', () => { | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ | |||||
AppComponent | |||||
], | |||||
}).compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
it('should create the app', async(() => { | |||||
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); | |||||
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance; | |||||
expect(app).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
})); | |||||
it(`should have as title 'app'`, async(() => { | |||||
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); | |||||
const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance; | |||||
expect(app.title).toEqual('app'); | |||||
})); | |||||
it('should render title in a h1 tag', async(() => { | |||||
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement; | |||||
expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!!'); | |||||
})); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, Inject, Renderer2, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router'; | |||||
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; | |||||
import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter'; | |||||
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common'; | |||||
import { LocationStrategy, PlatformLocation, Location } from '@angular/common'; | |||||
import { NavbarComponent } from './shared/navbar/navbar.component'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-root', | |||||
templateUrl: './app.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class AppComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
private _router: Subscription; | |||||
@ViewChild(NavbarComponent) navbar: NavbarComponent; | |||||
constructor( private renderer : Renderer2, private router: Router, @Inject(DOCUMENT,) private document: any, private element : ElementRef, public location: Location) {} | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
var navbar : HTMLElement = this.element.nativeElement.children[0].children[0]; | |||||
this._router = this.router.events.filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd).subscribe((event: NavigationEnd) => { | |||||
if (window.outerWidth > 991) { | |||||
window.document.children[0].scrollTop = 0; | |||||
}else{ | |||||
window.document.activeElement.scrollTop = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
this.navbar.sidebarClose(); | |||||
}); | |||||
this.renderer.listen('window', 'scroll', (event) => { | |||||
const number = window.scrollY; | |||||
if (number > 150 || window.pageYOffset > 150) { | |||||
// add logic | |||||
navbar.classList.remove('navbar-transparent'); | |||||
} else { | |||||
// remove logic | |||||
navbar.classList.add('navbar-transparent'); | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; | |||||
var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); | |||||
if (trident > 0) { | |||||
// IE 11 => return version number | |||||
var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:'); | |||||
var version = parseInt(ua.substring(rv + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rv)), 10); | |||||
} | |||||
if (version) { | |||||
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; | |||||
body.classList.add('ie-background'); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
removeFooter() { | |||||
var titlee = this.location.prepareExternalUrl(this.location.path()); | |||||
titlee = titlee.slice( 1 ); | |||||
if(titlee === 'signup' || titlee === 'nucleoicons'){ | |||||
return false; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; | |||||
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; | |||||
import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; | |||||
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; | |||||
import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; | |||||
import { NavbarComponent } from './shared/navbar/navbar.component'; | |||||
import { FooterComponent } from './shared/footer/footer.component'; | |||||
import { ComponentsModule } from './components/components.module'; | |||||
import { NotFoundComponent } from './pages/not-found/not-found.component'; | |||||
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module'; | |||||
import { ResumeComponent } from './pages/resume/resume.component'; | |||||
import { GamesDashboardComponent } from './pages/games-dashboard/games-dashboard.component'; | |||||
import { ProjectDashboardComponent } from './pages/project-dashboard/project-dashboard.component'; | |||||
import { PageHeaderModule } from './page-header/page-header.module'; | |||||
import { MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/magnetic-recycling-queen/magnetic-recycling-queen.component'; | |||||
import { WhatTheFungiComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/what-the-fungi/what-the-fungi.component'; | |||||
import { LaserBluesComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/laser-blues/laser-blues.component'; | |||||
import { SaltyPiranhaComponent } from './pages/game-dashboard/salty-piranha/salty-piranha.component'; | |||||
import { KeepInTouchComponent } from './pages/keep-in-touch/keep-in-touch.component'; | |||||
import { ImpressumComponent } from './shared/impressum/impressum.component'; | |||||
@NgModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ | |||||
AppComponent, | |||||
NavbarComponent, | |||||
FooterComponent, | |||||
NotFoundComponent, | |||||
ResumeComponent, | |||||
GamesDashboardComponent, | |||||
ProjectDashboardComponent, | |||||
MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent, | |||||
WhatTheFungiComponent, | |||||
LaserBluesComponent, | |||||
SaltyPiranhaComponent, | |||||
KeepInTouchComponent, | |||||
ImpressumComponent, | |||||
], | |||||
imports: [ | |||||
BrowserModule, | |||||
NgbModule, | |||||
FormsModule, | |||||
RouterModule, | |||||
AppRoutingModule, | |||||
ComponentsModule, | |||||
PageHeaderModule, | |||||
], | |||||
providers: [], | |||||
bootstrap: [AppComponent] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class AppModule { } |
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; | |||||
import { NgbModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; | |||||
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; | |||||
import { NouisliderModule } from 'ng2-nouislider'; | |||||
import { JwBootstrapSwitchNg2Module } from 'jw-bootstrap-switch-ng2'; | |||||
import { RouterModule, Router } from '@angular/router'; | |||||
import { NotificationComponent } from './notification/notification.component'; | |||||
import { AboutComponent } from 'app/pages/about/about.component'; | |||||
import { PageHeaderModule } from 'app/page-header/page-header.module'; | |||||
@NgModule({ | |||||
imports: [ | |||||
PageHeaderModule, | |||||
CommonModule, | |||||
FormsModule, | |||||
NgbModule, | |||||
NouisliderModule, | |||||
RouterModule, | |||||
JwBootstrapSwitchNg2Module, | |||||
], | |||||
declarations: [ | |||||
AboutComponent, | |||||
NotificationComponent, | |||||
], | |||||
entryComponents: [], | |||||
exports: [ AboutComponent, NotificationComponent] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ComponentsModule { } |
<p *ngFor="let alert of alerts"> | |||||
<ngb-alert [type]="alert.type" [dismissible]="false"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<ng-container *ngIf="alert.icon"> | |||||
<i class="nc-icon {{alert.icon}}"></i> | |||||
</ng-container> | |||||
{{ alert.message }} | |||||
<button type="button" name="button" class="close" (click)="closeAlert(alert)"> | |||||
<i class="nc-icon nc-simple-remove"></i> | |||||
</button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</ngb-alert> | |||||
</p> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { NotificationComponent } from './notification.component'; | |||||
describe('NotificationComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: NotificationComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<NotificationComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ NotificationComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NotificationComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should be created', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Input, Component } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-notification', | |||||
templateUrl: './notification.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./notification.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class NotificationComponent { | |||||
@Input() | |||||
public alerts: Array<IAlert> = []; | |||||
private backup: Array<IAlert>; | |||||
constructor() { | |||||
this.alerts.push({ | |||||
id: 1, | |||||
type: 'success', | |||||
message: 'This is an success alert', | |||||
}, { | |||||
id: 2, | |||||
type: 'info', | |||||
message: 'This is an info alert', | |||||
}, { | |||||
id: 3, | |||||
type: 'warning', | |||||
message: 'This is a warning alert', | |||||
icon: 'nc-bell-55' | |||||
}, { | |||||
id: 4, | |||||
type: 'danger', | |||||
message: 'This is a danger alert', | |||||
icon: 'nc-bell-55' | |||||
}); | |||||
this.backup = this.alerts.map((alert: IAlert) => Object.assign({}, alert)); | |||||
} | |||||
public closeAlert(alert: IAlert) { | |||||
const index: number = this.alerts.indexOf(alert); | |||||
this.alerts.splice(index, 1); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
export interface IAlert { | |||||
id: number; | |||||
type: string; | |||||
message: string; | |||||
icon?: string; | |||||
} |
<p>magnetic-recycling-queen works!</p> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent } from './magnetic-recycling-queen.component'; | |||||
describe('MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-magnetic-recycling-queen', | |||||
templateUrl: './magnetic-recycling-queen.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./magnetic-recycling-queen.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="page-header section-dark" style="background-image: url('assets/img/dark-fog-forest-haze.jpg')"> | |||||
<div class="filter"></div> | |||||
<div class="content-center"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="title-brand"> | |||||
<div class="logo"> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<h1 class="presentation-title">ZIERMACH³</h1> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<h2 class="presentation-subtitle text-center"></h2> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="moving-clouds" style="background-image: url('assets/img/clouds.png'); "></div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { DefaultPageHeaderComponent } from './default-page-header.component'; | |||||
describe('DefaultPageHeaderComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: DefaultPageHeaderComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<DefaultPageHeaderComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ DefaultPageHeaderComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DefaultPageHeaderComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-default-page-header', | |||||
templateUrl: './default-page-header.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./default-page-header.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class DefaultPageHeaderComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="page-header section-dark page-header-xs" style="background-image: url('assets/img/gaming-thumbnail.jpg')"> | |||||
<div class="filter"></div> | |||||
<div class="content-center"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="title-brand"> | |||||
<h1 class="presentation-title">Games</h1> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { GameHeaderComponent } from './game-header.component'; | |||||
describe('GameHeaderComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: GameHeaderComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<GameHeaderComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ GameHeaderComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(GameHeaderComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-game-header', | |||||
templateUrl: './game-header.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./game-header.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class GameHeaderComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; | |||||
import { DefaultPageHeaderComponent } from './default-page-header/default-page-header.component'; | |||||
import { GameHeaderComponent } from './game-header/game-header.component'; | |||||
import { ProjectHeaderComponent } from './project-header/project-header.component'; | |||||
import { ResumeHeaderComponent } from './resume-header/resume-header.component'; | |||||
@NgModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ | |||||
DefaultPageHeaderComponent, | |||||
GameHeaderComponent, | |||||
ProjectHeaderComponent, | |||||
ResumeHeaderComponent | |||||
], | |||||
imports: [ | |||||
CommonModule | |||||
], | |||||
exports: [ | |||||
DefaultPageHeaderComponent, | |||||
GameHeaderComponent, | |||||
ResumeHeaderComponent, | |||||
ProjectHeaderComponent | |||||
] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class PageHeaderModule { } |
<div class="page-header section-dark page-header-xs" style="background-image: url('assets/img/internet-technology-computer-display.jpg')"> | |||||
<div class="filter"></div> | |||||
<div class="content-center"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="title-brand"> | |||||
<h1 class="presentation-title">Projects</h1> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { ProjectHeaderComponent } from './project-header.component'; | |||||
describe('ProjectHeaderComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: ProjectHeaderComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ProjectHeaderComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ ProjectHeaderComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ProjectHeaderComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-project-header', | |||||
templateUrl: './project-header.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./project-header.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ProjectHeaderComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="page-header section-dark page-header-small" style="background-image: url('assets/img/about-thumbnail.jpg')"> | |||||
<div class="filter"></div> | |||||
<div class="content-center"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="title-brand"> | |||||
<h1 class="presentation-title">About me</h1> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { ResumeHeaderComponent } from './resume-header.component'; | |||||
describe('ResumeHeaderComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: ResumeHeaderComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ResumeHeaderComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ ResumeHeaderComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ResumeHeaderComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-resume-header', | |||||
templateUrl: './resume-header.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./resume-header.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ResumeHeaderComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="wrapper"> | |||||
<app-default-page-header></app-default-page-header> | |||||
<div class="main"> | |||||
<div class="section section-gray profile-content"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="owner"> | |||||
<div class="avatar"> | |||||
<img | |||||
src="./assets/img/avatar/profilbild.jpg" | |||||
alt="Circle Image" | |||||
class="img-circle img-no-padding img-responsive" | |||||
/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="name"> | |||||
<h4 class="title">Christian Ziermann<br /></h4> | |||||
<h6 class="description">Web Developer</h6> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6 ml-auto mr-auto text-center"> | |||||
<a | |||||
[routerLink]="['/resume']" | |||||
class="btn btn-link btn-danger" | |||||
>See more</a | |||||
> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="section section-dark text-center"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="info"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fas fa-gamepad"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title">Games</h4> | |||||
<p class="description"> | |||||
some small Games i made with some friends. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a | |||||
[routerLink]="['/games']" | |||||
class="btn btn-link btn-danger" | |||||
>See more</a | |||||
> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="info"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fas fa-code"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title">Projects</h4> | |||||
<p>from simple Script to bigger Web-Projects.</p> | |||||
<a | |||||
[routerLink]="['/projects']" | |||||
class="btn btn-link btn-danger" | |||||
>See more</a | |||||
> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { AboutComponent } from './about.component'; | |||||
describe('AboutComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: AboutComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<AboutComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ AboutComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AboutComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should be created', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-about', | |||||
templateUrl: './about.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./about.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class AboutComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
focus = true; | |||||
focus1 = true; | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit() {} | |||||
} |
<iframe | |||||
frameborder="0" | |||||
src="https://itch.io/embed-upload/1093367?color=010144" | |||||
allowfullscreen="" | |||||
class="game" | |||||
[width]="innerWidth" | |||||
[height]="innerHeight" | |||||
></iframe> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { LaserBluesComponent } from './laser-blues.component'; | |||||
describe('LaserBluesComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: LaserBluesComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<LaserBluesComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ LaserBluesComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LaserBluesComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-laser-blues', | |||||
templateUrl: './laser-blues.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./laser-blues.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class LaserBluesComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
public innerHeight: any; | |||||
public innerWidth: any; | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) | |||||
onResize(event) { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<iframe | |||||
frameborder="0" | |||||
src="https://itch.io/embed-upload/1120192?color=181a1b" | |||||
allowfullscreen="" | |||||
class="game" | |||||
[width]="innerWidth" | |||||
[height]="innerHeight" | |||||
></iframe> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent } from './magnetic-recycling-queen.component'; | |||||
describe('MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-magnetic-recycling-queen', | |||||
templateUrl: './magnetic-recycling-queen.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./magnetic-recycling-queen.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class MagneticRecyclingQueenComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
public innerHeight: any; | |||||
public innerWidth: any; | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) | |||||
onResize(event) { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<iframe | |||||
frameborder="0" | |||||
src="https://itch.io/embed-upload/1292627?color=2196f3" | |||||
allowfullscreen="" | |||||
class="game" | |||||
[width]="innerWidth" | |||||
[height]="innerHeight" | |||||
></iframe> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { SaltyPiranhaComponent } from './salty-piranha.component'; | |||||
describe('SaltyPiranhaComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: SaltyPiranhaComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<SaltyPiranhaComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ SaltyPiranhaComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SaltyPiranhaComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-salty-piranha', | |||||
templateUrl: './salty-piranha.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./salty-piranha.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class SaltyPiranhaComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
public innerHeight: any; | |||||
public innerWidth: any; | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) | |||||
onResize(event) { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<iframe | |||||
class="game" | |||||
frameborder="0" | |||||
src="https://itch.io/embed-upload/1062906?color=4B7F52" | |||||
allowfullscreen="" | |||||
[width]="innerWidth" | |||||
[height]="innerHeight" | |||||
> | |||||
></iframe | |||||
> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { WhatTheFungiComponent } from './what-the-fungi.component'; | |||||
describe('WhatTheFungiComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: WhatTheFungiComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<WhatTheFungiComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ WhatTheFungiComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(WhatTheFungiComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-what-the-fungi', | |||||
templateUrl: './what-the-fungi.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./what-the-fungi.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class WhatTheFungiComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
public innerHeight: any; | |||||
public innerWidth: any; | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) | |||||
onResize(event) { | |||||
this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; | |||||
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
#disco-gif { | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
} | |||||
#disco-thumbnail { | |||||
min-height: 485px; | |||||
} |
<div class="wrapper"> | |||||
<app-game-header></app-game-header> | |||||
<div class="main"> | |||||
<div class="section section-dark"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-sm-4 offset-md-4"> | |||||
<div class="info text-center"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fab fa-itch-io"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title">Mini Beans Jam Games</h4> | |||||
<p class="description"> | |||||
All these games bellow where made for an GameJam called Mini | |||||
Beans Jam. The Challange was to create an game for an motto | |||||
given by 3 random words in 42 Hours (Friday - Sunday). I made | |||||
this Games with an small Hobby Team called WhyMonkeys. | |||||
</p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="section section-gray"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
src="/assets/img/mrq-thumbnail.png" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">Magnetic Recycling Queen</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
The first game i helped to Develop. | |||||
Made with Unity. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a | |||||
routerLink="/games/magnetic-recycling-queen" | |||||
class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
>Play Now!</a | |||||
> | |||||
<a href="https://karotofel.itch.io/mrq" class="btn btn-primary"> | |||||
Check out on <i class="fab fa-itch-io"></i> | |||||
</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
src="/assets/img/wtf-thumbnail.png" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">What the fungi</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
In this game i tried my self at an A* search algorithm It went | |||||
okay ... | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Made with Unity. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a routerLink="/games/what-the-fungi" class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
>Play Now!</a | |||||
> | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://karotofel.itch.io/wtfungi" | |||||
class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
> | |||||
Check out on <i class="fab fa-itch-io"></i> | |||||
</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
id="disco-thumbnail" | |||||
src="/assets/img/disco-blues-thumbnail.png" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
id="disco-gif" | |||||
src="/assets/img/disco-blues.gif" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">Disc(o) Blues</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
This is game was far the most Complex i helped with. It's | |||||
Primary made for Mobile so the UI is in web a bit messy. The | |||||
idea and the Style is great but i was to much for the size of | |||||
team and the given time. | |||||
Made with Unity. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a routerLink="/games/laser-blues" class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
>Play Now!</a | |||||
> | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://karotofel.itch.io/laser-blues" | |||||
class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
> | |||||
Check out on <i class="fab fa-itch-io"></i> | |||||
</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
src="/assets/img/salty-piranha-thumbnail.png" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">Salty Prianha</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
First game where i did 100% of the coding. A small but nice | |||||
project only done by 2 people in less than 42 hours. Also my | |||||
first experience with the Godot Engine. | |||||
Made with Godot. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a routerLink="/games/salty-piranha" class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
>Play Now!</a | |||||
> | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://karotofel.itch.io/salty-piranha" | |||||
class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
> | |||||
Check out on <i class="fab fa-itch-io"></i> | |||||
</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { GamesDashboardComponent } from './games-dashboard.component'; | |||||
describe('GamesDashboardComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: GamesDashboardComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<GamesDashboardComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ GamesDashboardComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(GamesDashboardComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-games-dashboard', | |||||
templateUrl: './games-dashboard.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./games-dashboard.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class GamesDashboardComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="section landing-section"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-8 mr-auto ml-auto"> | |||||
<h2 class="text-center">Keep in touch?</h2> | |||||
<form class="contact-form"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<label>Name</label> | |||||
<div | |||||
class="input-group" | |||||
[ngClass]="{ 'input-group-focus': focus === true }" | |||||
> | |||||
<div class="input-group-prepend"> | |||||
<span class="input-group-text" | |||||
><i class="nc-icon nc-single-02"></i | |||||
></span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<input | |||||
type="text" | |||||
class="form-control" | |||||
placeholder="Name" | |||||
(focus)="focus = true" | |||||
(blur)="focus = false" | |||||
/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<label>Email</label> | |||||
<div | |||||
class="input-group" | |||||
[ngClass]="{ 'input-group-focus': focus1 === true }" | |||||
> | |||||
<div class="input-group-prepend"> | |||||
<span class="input-group-text"> | |||||
<i class="nc-icon nc-email-85"></i | |||||
></span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<input | |||||
type="text" | |||||
class="form-control" | |||||
placeholder="Email" | |||||
(focus)="focus1 = true" | |||||
(blur)="focus1 = false" | |||||
/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<label>Message</label> | |||||
<textarea | |||||
class="form-control" | |||||
rows="4" | |||||
placeholder="Tell us your thoughts and feelings..." | |||||
></textarea> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-4 mr-auto ml-auto"> | |||||
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-lg btn-fill"> | |||||
Send Message | |||||
</button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { KeepInTouchComponent } from './keep-in-touch.component'; | |||||
describe('KeepInTouchComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: KeepInTouchComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<KeepInTouchComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ KeepInTouchComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(KeepInTouchComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-keep-in-touch', | |||||
templateUrl: './keep-in-touch.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./keep-in-touch.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class KeepInTouchComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
focus = true; | |||||
focus1 = true; | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<body class="bg-purple"> | |||||
<div class="stars"> | |||||
<div class="central-body"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="image-404" | |||||
src="http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/404.svg" | |||||
width="300px" | |||||
/> | |||||
<a | |||||
class="nav-item nav-link-edit pointer" | |||||
[routerLink]="['']" | |||||
class="btn-go-home" | |||||
>GO BACK HOME</a | |||||
> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="objects"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="object_rocket" | |||||
src="http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/rocket.svg" | |||||
width="40px" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="earth-moon"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="object_earth" | |||||
src="http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/earth.svg" | |||||
width="100px" | |||||
/> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="object_moon" | |||||
src="http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/moon.svg" | |||||
width="80px" | |||||
/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="box_astronaut"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="object_astronaut" | |||||
src="http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/astronaut.svg" | |||||
width="140px" | |||||
/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="glowing_stars"> | |||||
<div class="star"></div> | |||||
<div class="star"></div> | |||||
<div class="star"></div> | |||||
<div class="star"></div> | |||||
<div class="star"></div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</body> |
/* | |||||
FULL SCREEN MODE: http://salehriaz.com/404Page/404.html | |||||
DRIBBBLE: https://dribbble.com/shots/4330167-404-Page-Lost-In-Space | |||||
*/ | |||||
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dosis:300,400,500'); | |||||
@-moz-keyframes rocket-movement { 100% {-moz-transform: translate(1200px,-600px);} } | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes rocket-movement {100% {-webkit-transform: translate(1200px,-600px); } } | |||||
@keyframes rocket-movement { 100% {transform: translate(1200px,-600px);} } | |||||
@-moz-keyframes spin-earth { 100% { -moz-transform: rotate(-360deg); transition: transform 20s; } } | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes spin-earth { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); transition: transform 20s; } } | |||||
@keyframes spin-earth{ 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform:rotate(-360deg); transition: transform 20s; } } | |||||
@-moz-keyframes move-astronaut { | |||||
100% { -moz-transform: translate(-160px, -160px);} | |||||
} | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes move-astronaut { | |||||
100% { -webkit-transform: translate(-160px, -160px);} | |||||
} | |||||
@keyframes move-astronaut{ | |||||
100% { -webkit-transform: translate(-160px, -160px); transform:translate(-160px, -160px); } | |||||
} | |||||
@-moz-keyframes rotate-astronaut { | |||||
100% { -moz-transform: rotate(-720deg);} | |||||
} | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes rotate-astronaut { | |||||
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-720deg);} | |||||
} | |||||
@keyframes rotate-astronaut{ | |||||
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-720deg); transform:rotate(-720deg); } | |||||
} | |||||
@-moz-keyframes glow-star { | |||||
40% { -moz-opacity: 0.3;} | |||||
90%,100% { -moz-opacity: 1; -moz-transform: scale(1.2);} | |||||
} | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes glow-star { | |||||
40% { -webkit-opacity: 0.3;} | |||||
90%,100% { -webkit-opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.2);} | |||||
} | |||||
@keyframes glow-star{ | |||||
40% { -webkit-opacity: 0.3; opacity: 0.3; } | |||||
90%,100% { -webkit-opacity: 1; opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1.2); transform: scale(1.2); border-radius: 999999px;} | |||||
} | |||||
.spin-earth-on-hover{ | |||||
transition: ease 200s !important; | |||||
transform: rotate(-3600deg) !important; | |||||
} | |||||
html, body{ | |||||
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-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox 2+ */ | |||||
-ms-user-select: none; /* IE 10+ */ | |||||
user-select: none; /* Standard syntax */ | |||||
} | |||||
.bg-purple{ | |||||
background: url(http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/bg_purple.png); | |||||
background-repeat: repeat-x; | |||||
background-size: cover; | |||||
background-position: left top; | |||||
height: 100%; | |||||
overflow: hidden; | |||||
} | |||||
.custom-navbar{ | |||||
padding-top: 15px; | |||||
} | |||||
.brand-logo{ | |||||
margin-left: 25px; | |||||
margin-top: 5px; | |||||
display: inline-block; | |||||
} | |||||
.navbar-links{ | |||||
display: inline-block; | |||||
float: right; | |||||
margin-right: 15px; | |||||
text-transform: uppercase; | |||||
} | |||||
ul { | |||||
list-style-type: none; | |||||
margin: 0; | |||||
padding: 0; | |||||
/* overflow: hidden;*/ | |||||
display: flex; | |||||
align-items: center; | |||||
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li { | |||||
float: left; | |||||
padding: 0px 15px; | |||||
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li a { | |||||
display: block; | |||||
color: white; | |||||
text-align: center; | |||||
text-decoration: none; | |||||
letter-spacing : 2px; | |||||
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-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
-ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
-o-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
} | |||||
li a:hover { | |||||
color: #ffcb39; | |||||
} | |||||
.btn-request{ | |||||
padding: 10px 25px; | |||||
border: 1px solid #FFCB39; | |||||
border-radius: 100px; | |||||
font-weight: 400; | |||||
} | |||||
.btn-request:hover{ | |||||
background-color: #FFCB39; | |||||
color: #fff; | |||||
transform: scale(1.05); | |||||
box-shadow: 0px 20px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); | |||||
} | |||||
.btn-go-home{ | |||||
position: relative; | |||||
z-index: 200; | |||||
margin: 15px auto; | |||||
width: 100px; | |||||
padding: 10px 15px; | |||||
border: 1px solid #FFCB39; | |||||
border-radius: 100px; | |||||
font-weight: 400; | |||||
display: block; | |||||
color: white; | |||||
text-align: center; | |||||
text-decoration: none; | |||||
letter-spacing : 2px; | |||||
font-size: 11px; | |||||
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
-ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
-o-transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
transition: all 0.3s ease-in; | |||||
} | |||||
.btn-go-home:hover{ | |||||
background-color: #FFCB39; | |||||
color: #fff; | |||||
transform: scale(1.05); | |||||
box-shadow: 0px 20px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); | |||||
} | |||||
.central-body{ | |||||
/* width: 100%;*/ | |||||
padding: 17% 5% 10% 5%; | |||||
text-align: center; | |||||
} | |||||
.objects img{ | |||||
z-index: 90; | |||||
pointer-events: none; | |||||
} | |||||
.object_rocket{ | |||||
z-index: 95; | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
transform: translateX(-50px); | |||||
top: 75%; | |||||
pointer-events: none; | |||||
animation: rocket-movement 200s linear infinite both running; | |||||
} | |||||
.object_earth{ | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
top: 20%; | |||||
left: 15%; | |||||
z-index: 90; | |||||
/* animation: spin-earth 100s infinite linear both;*/ | |||||
} | |||||
.object_moon{ | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
top: 12%; | |||||
left: 25%; | |||||
/* | |||||
transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
transition: transform ease-in 99999999999s; | |||||
*/ | |||||
} | |||||
.earth-moon{ | |||||
} | |||||
.object_astronaut{ | |||||
animation: rotate-astronaut 200s infinite linear both alternate; | |||||
} | |||||
.box_astronaut{ | |||||
z-index: 110 !important; | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
top: 60%; | |||||
right: 20%; | |||||
will-change: transform; | |||||
animation: move-astronaut 50s infinite linear both alternate; | |||||
} | |||||
.image-404{ | |||||
position: relative; | |||||
z-index: 100; | |||||
pointer-events: none; | |||||
} | |||||
.stars{ | |||||
background: url(http://salehriaz.com/404Page/img/overlay_stars.svg); | |||||
background-repeat: repeat; | |||||
background-size: contain; | |||||
background-position: left top; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star{ | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
border-radius: 100%; | |||||
background-color: #fff; | |||||
width: 3px; | |||||
height: 3px; | |||||
opacity: 0.3; | |||||
will-change: opacity; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star:nth-child(1){ | |||||
top: 80%; | |||||
left: 25%; | |||||
animation: glow-star 2s infinite ease-in-out alternate 1s; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star:nth-child(2){ | |||||
top: 20%; | |||||
left: 40%; | |||||
animation: glow-star 2s infinite ease-in-out alternate 3s; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star:nth-child(3){ | |||||
top: 25%; | |||||
left: 25%; | |||||
animation: glow-star 2s infinite ease-in-out alternate 5s; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star:nth-child(4){ | |||||
top: 75%; | |||||
left: 80%; | |||||
animation: glow-star 2s infinite ease-in-out alternate 7s; | |||||
} | |||||
.glowing_stars .star:nth-child(5){ | |||||
top: 90%; | |||||
left: 50%; | |||||
animation: glow-star 2s infinite ease-in-out alternate 9s; | |||||
} | |||||
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px){ | |||||
.navbar-links{ | |||||
display: none; | |||||
} | |||||
.custom-navbar{ | |||||
text-align: center; | |||||
} | |||||
.brand-logo img{ | |||||
width: 120px; | |||||
} | |||||
.box_astronaut{ | |||||
top: 70%; | |||||
} | |||||
.central-body{ | |||||
padding-top: 25%; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { NotFoundComponent } from './not-found.component'; | |||||
describe('NotFoundComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: NotFoundComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<NotFoundComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ NotFoundComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NotFoundComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-not-found', | |||||
templateUrl: './not-found.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./not-found.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class NotFoundComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<div class="wrapper"> | |||||
<app-project-header></app-project-header> | |||||
<div class="main"> | |||||
<div class="section section-dark"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-sm-4 offset-md-4"> | |||||
<div class="info text-center"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fab"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title">Web Projects</h4> | |||||
<p class="description"> | |||||
mainly created with Angular 2+ | |||||
</p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
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<div class="section section-gray"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
src="/assets/img/ziermach-blog.jpg" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">This Blog</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
This Blog was made with angular 2+ and bootstrap. with help of | |||||
the template | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://www.creative-tim.com/product/paper-kit-2-angular" | |||||
>paper-kit-2-angular</a | |||||
> | |||||
</p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-md-6"> | |||||
<div class="card"> | |||||
<img | |||||
class="card-img-top" | |||||
src="/assets/img/pub-quiz-club.png" | |||||
alt="Card image cap" | |||||
/> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<h4 class="card-title">Pub Quiz Club (WIP)</h4> | |||||
<p class="card-text"> | |||||
I made an Only Quiz App for Pubs. It's created with Angular 2+ | |||||
and | |||||
<a href="https://material.angular.io/">Angular-Material</a> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<a href="https://pub-quiz.club" class="btn btn-primary" | |||||
>Checkout</a | |||||
> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
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<div class="section section-dark"> | |||||
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<div class="info text-center"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fab fa-github"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title"> | |||||
<a class="btn" href="https://github.com/JackWolfskind">My Github Site</a> | |||||
</h4> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="col-sm-6"> | |||||
<div class="info text-center"> | |||||
<div class="icon icon-danger"> | |||||
<i class="fab fa-npm"></i> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="description"> | |||||
<h4 class="info-title"> | |||||
<a class="btn" href="https://www.npmjs.com/~cziermann">My NPM Site</a> | |||||
</h4> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { ProjectDashboardComponent } from './project-dashboard.component'; | |||||
describe('ProjectDashboardComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: ProjectDashboardComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ProjectDashboardComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ ProjectDashboardComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ProjectDashboardComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-project-dashboard', | |||||
templateUrl: './project-dashboard.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./project-dashboard.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ProjectDashboardComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { ResumeComponent } from './resume.component'; | |||||
describe('ResumeComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: ResumeComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ResumeComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ ResumeComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ResumeComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-resume', | |||||
templateUrl: './resume.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./resume.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ResumeComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
displayedPersonalColumns = [ | |||||
'name', | |||||
'birthdate', | |||||
'location' | |||||
]; | |||||
personalData = { | |||||
name: 'Christian Ziermann', | |||||
birthdate: new Date('September 3, 1996'), | |||||
location: 'Aachner Straße 545 Cologne 50933', | |||||
} | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<footer class="footer"> | |||||
<div class="container"> | |||||
<div class="row"> | |||||
<nav class="footer-nav"> | |||||
<ul> | |||||
<li><a href="/legal">Impressum</a></li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
</nav> | |||||
<div class="credits ml-auto"> | |||||
<span class="copyright"> | |||||
made with <i class="fa fa-heart heart"></i> by cziermann with help of | |||||
<a href="https://www.creative-tim.com/product/paper-kit-2-angular" | |||||
>paper-kit-2</a | |||||
> | |||||
for angular | |||||
</span> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</footer> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { FooterComponent } from './footer.component'; | |||||
describe('FooterComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: FooterComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<FooterComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ FooterComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FooterComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should be created', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-footer', | |||||
templateUrl: './footer.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./footer.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class FooterComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
test : Date = new Date(); | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit() {} | |||||
} |
<div class="wrapper"> | |||||
<div class="main"> | |||||
<div class="section section-gray text-center"> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<h3>Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Christian Ziermann<br /> | |||||
Aachner Straße 545<br /> | |||||
50933 Köln | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h2>Kontakt</h2> | |||||
<p> | |||||
E-Mail: cziermann@mailbox.org | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Haftung für Inhalte</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Als Diensteanbieter sind wir gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG | |||||
für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen | |||||
Gesetzen verantwortlich. Nach §§ 8 bis 10 TMG sind wir als | |||||
Diensteanbieter jedoch nicht verpflichtet, übermittelte oder | |||||
gespeicherte fremde Informationen zu überwachen oder nach | |||||
Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige | |||||
Tätigkeit hinweisen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Verpflichtungen zur Entfernung oder Sperrung der Nutzung von | |||||
Informationen nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen bleiben hiervon | |||||
unberührt. Eine diesbezügliche Haftung ist jedoch erst ab | |||||
dem Zeitpunkt der Kenntnis einer konkreten Rechtsverletzung | |||||
möglich. Bei Bekanntwerden von entsprechenden | |||||
Rechtsverletzungen werden wir diese Inhalte umgehend entfernen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Haftung für Links</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Websites Dritter, auf | |||||
deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. Deshalb können wir | |||||
für diese fremden Inhalte auch keine Gewähr | |||||
übernehmen. Für die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten ist | |||||
stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber der Seiten | |||||
verantwortlich. Die verlinkten Seiten wurden zum Zeitpunkt der | |||||
Verlinkung auf mögliche Rechtsverstöße | |||||
überprüft. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der | |||||
Verlinkung nicht erkennbar. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist | |||||
jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht | |||||
zumutbar. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir | |||||
derartige Links umgehend entfernen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Urheberrecht</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die durch die Seitenbetreiber erstellten Inhalte und Werke auf | |||||
diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Die | |||||
Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der | |||||
Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes | |||||
bedürfen der schriftlichen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Autors | |||||
bzw. Erstellers. Downloads und Kopien dieser Seite sind nur für | |||||
den privaten, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch gestattet. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt | |||||
wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Insbesondere | |||||
werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. Sollten Sie | |||||
trotzdem auf eine Urheberrechtsverletzung aufmerksam werden, bitten | |||||
wir um einen entsprechenden Hinweis. Bei Bekanntwerden von | |||||
Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Inhalte umgehend entfernen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Nutzung personenbezogener Daten</h3> | |||||
<h4>Erhobene Daten durch Google Anmeldung</h4> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn der Nuter sich über den Google Service anmeldet, werden nur | |||||
Vor-/Nachname und Technische Daten zu zurordnung gespeichert. Es | |||||
können und werden keinerlei Passwörter gespeichert. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h4>Weiteres</h4> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Desweitern werden nur Daten gespeichert und genutzt die für die | |||||
Funktionalitäten der Seite erforderlich sind. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p>Quelle: <a href="https://www.e-recht24.de">eRecht24</a></p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="section section-gray text-center"> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<div class=""> | |||||
<h2>1. Datenschutz auf einen Blick</h2> | |||||
<h3>Allgemeine Hinweise</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die folgenden Hinweise geben einen einfachen Überblick | |||||
darüber, was mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten passiert, wenn | |||||
Sie diese Website besuchen. Personenbezogene Daten sind alle Daten, | |||||
mit denen Sie persönlich identifiziert werden können. | |||||
Ausführliche Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz entnehmen Sie | |||||
unserer unter diesem Text aufgeführten | |||||
Datenschutzerklärung. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Datenerfassung auf dieser Website</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<strong | |||||
>Wer ist verantwortlich für die Datenerfassung auf dieser | |||||
Website?</strong | |||||
> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website erfolgt durch den | |||||
Websitebetreiber. Dessen Kontaktdaten können Sie dem Impressum | |||||
dieser Website entnehmen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p><strong>Wie erfassen wir Ihre Daten?</strong></p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Ihre Daten werden zum einen dadurch erhoben, dass Sie uns diese | |||||
mitteilen. Hierbei kann es sich z. B. um Daten handeln, die Sie | |||||
in ein Kontaktformular eingeben. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Andere Daten werden automatisch oder nach Ihrer Einwilligung beim | |||||
Besuch der Website durch unsere IT-Systeme erfasst. Das sind vor | |||||
allem technische Daten (z. B. Internetbrowser, Betriebssystem | |||||
oder Uhrzeit des Seitenaufrufs). Die Erfassung dieser Daten erfolgt | |||||
automatisch, sobald Sie diese Website betreten. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p><strong>Wofür nutzen wir Ihre Daten?</strong></p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Ein Teil der Daten wird erhoben, um eine fehlerfreie Bereitstellung | |||||
der Website zu gewährleisten. Andere Daten können zur | |||||
Analyse Ihres Nutzerverhaltens verwendet werden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<strong>Welche Rechte haben Sie bezüglich Ihrer Daten?</strong> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Sie haben jederzeit das Recht, unentgeltlich Auskunft über | |||||
Herkunft, Empfänger und Zweck Ihrer gespeicherten | |||||
personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten. Sie haben außerdem ein | |||||
Recht, die Berichtigung oder Löschung dieser Daten zu | |||||
verlangen. Wenn Sie eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung erteilt | |||||
haben, können Sie diese Einwilligung jederzeit für die | |||||
Zukunft widerrufen. Außerdem haben Sie das Recht, unter | |||||
bestimmten Umständen die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung | |||||
Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Des Weiteren steht Ihnen | |||||
ein Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde | |||||
zu. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Hierzu sowie zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema Datenschutz können | |||||
Sie sich jederzeit unter der im Impressum angegebenen Adresse an uns | |||||
wenden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h2>2. Hosting und Content Delivery Networks (CDN)</h2> | |||||
<h3>Externes Hosting</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Diese Website wird bei einem externen Dienstleister gehostet | |||||
(Hoster). Die personenbezogenen Daten, die auf dieser Website | |||||
erfasst werden, werden auf den Servern des Hosters gespeichert. | |||||
Hierbei kann es sich v. a. um IP-Adressen, Kontaktanfragen, Meta- | |||||
und Kommunikationsdaten, Vertragsdaten, Kontaktdaten, Namen, | |||||
Webseitenzugriffe und sonstige Daten, die über eine Website | |||||
generiert werden, handeln. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Der Einsatz des Hosters erfolgt zum Zwecke der | |||||
Vertragserfüllung gegenüber unseren potenziellen und | |||||
bestehenden Kunden (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO) und im Interesse | |||||
einer sicheren, schnellen und effizienten Bereitstellung unseres | |||||
Online-Angebots durch einen professionellen Anbieter (Art. 6 Abs. 1 | |||||
lit. f DSGVO). | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Unser Hoster wird Ihre Daten nur insoweit verarbeiten, wie dies zur | |||||
Erfüllung seiner Leistungspflichten erforderlich ist und unsere | |||||
Weisungen in Bezug auf diese Daten befolgen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
<strong | |||||
>Abschluss eines Vertrages über Auftragsverarbeitung</strong | |||||
> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Um die datenschutzkonforme Verarbeitung zu gewährleisten, haben | |||||
wir einen Vertrag über Auftragsverarbeitung mit unserem Hoster | |||||
geschlossen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h2>3. Allgemeine Hinweise und Pflichtinformationen</h2> | |||||
<h3>Datenschutz</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die Betreiber dieser Seiten nehmen den Schutz Ihrer | |||||
persönlichen Daten sehr ernst. Wir behandeln Ihre | |||||
personenbezogenen Daten vertraulich und entsprechend der | |||||
gesetzlichen Datenschutzvorschriften sowie dieser | |||||
Datenschutzerklärung. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn Sie diese Website benutzen, werden verschiedene | |||||
personenbezogene Daten erhoben. Personenbezogene Daten sind Daten, | |||||
mit denen Sie persönlich identifiziert werden können. Die | |||||
vorliegende Datenschutzerklärung erläutert, welche Daten | |||||
wir erheben und wofür wir sie nutzen. Sie erläutert auch, | |||||
wie und zu welchem Zweck das geschieht. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die Datenübertragung im Internet | |||||
(z. B. bei der Kommunikation per E-Mail) Sicherheitslücken | |||||
aufweisen kann. Ein lückenloser Schutz der Daten vor dem | |||||
Zugriff durch Dritte ist nicht möglich. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Hinweis zur verantwortlichen Stelle</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die verantwortliche Stelle für die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser | |||||
Website ist: | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Christian Ziermann<br /> | |||||
Aachener Straße 545<br /> | |||||
50944 Köln | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Telefon: 01742046742<br /> | |||||
E-Mail: cziermann@mailbox.org | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Verantwortliche Stelle ist die natürliche oder juristische | |||||
Person, die allein oder gemeinsam mit anderen über die Zwecke | |||||
und Mittel der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (z. B. | |||||
Namen, E-Mail-Adressen o. Ä.) entscheidet. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Viele Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge sind nur mit Ihrer | |||||
ausdrücklichen Einwilligung möglich. Sie können eine | |||||
bereits erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Dazu reicht eine | |||||
formlose Mitteilung per E-Mail an uns. Die Rechtmäßigkeit | |||||
der bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Datenverarbeitung bleibt vom Widerruf | |||||
unberührt. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3> | |||||
Widerspruchsrecht gegen die Datenerhebung in besonderen Fällen | |||||
sowie gegen Direktwerbung (Art. 21 DSGVO) | |||||
</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3> | |||||
Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde | |||||
</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Im Falle von Verstößen gegen die DSGVO steht den | |||||
Betroffenen ein Beschwerderecht bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde, | |||||
insbesondere in dem Mitgliedstaat ihres gewöhnlichen | |||||
Aufenthalts, ihres Arbeitsplatzes oder des Orts des | |||||
mutmaßlichen Verstoßes zu. Das Beschwerderecht besteht | |||||
unbeschadet anderweitiger verwaltungsrechtlicher oder gerichtlicher | |||||
Rechtsbehelfe. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Sie haben das Recht, Daten, die wir auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung | |||||
oder in Erfüllung eines Vertrags automatisiert verarbeiten, an | |||||
sich oder an einen Dritten in einem gängigen, maschinenlesbaren | |||||
Format aushändigen zu lassen. Sofern Sie die direkte | |||||
Übertragung der Daten an einen anderen Verantwortlichen | |||||
verlangen, erfolgt dies nur, soweit es technisch machbar ist. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Diese Seite nutzt aus Sicherheitsgründen und zum Schutz der | |||||
Übertragung vertraulicher Inhalte, wie zum Beispiel | |||||
Bestellungen oder Anfragen, die Sie an uns als Seitenbetreiber | |||||
senden, eine SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung. Eine | |||||
verschlüsselte Verbindung erkennen Sie daran, dass die | |||||
Adresszeile des Browsers von „http://“ auf | |||||
„https://“ wechselt und an dem Schloss-Symbol in Ihrer | |||||
Browserzeile. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn die SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung aktiviert ist, | |||||
können die Daten, die Sie an uns übermitteln, nicht von | |||||
Dritten mitgelesen werden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Auskunft, Löschung und Berichtigung</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Sie haben im Rahmen der geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen | |||||
jederzeit das Recht auf unentgeltliche Auskunft über Ihre | |||||
gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten, deren Herkunft und | |||||
Empfänger und den Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und ggf. ein | |||||
Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung dieser Daten. Hierzu sowie | |||||
zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema personenbezogene Daten können Sie | |||||
sich jederzeit unter der im Impressum angegebenen Adresse an uns | |||||
wenden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Sie haben das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer | |||||
personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Hierzu können Sie sich | |||||
jederzeit unter der im Impressum angegebenen Adresse an uns wenden. | |||||
Das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung besteht in | |||||
folgenden Fällen: | |||||
</p> | |||||
<ul> | |||||
<li> | |||||
Wenn Sie die Richtigkeit Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten | |||||
personenbezogenen Daten bestreiten, benötigen wir in der | |||||
Regel Zeit, um dies zu überprüfen. Für die Dauer | |||||
der Prüfung haben Sie das Recht, die Einschränkung der | |||||
Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. | |||||
</li> | |||||
<li> | |||||
Wenn die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten | |||||
unrechtmäßig geschah/geschieht, können Sie statt | |||||
der Löschung die Einschränkung der Datenverarbeitung | |||||
verlangen. | |||||
</li> | |||||
<li> | |||||
Wenn wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr benötigen, | |||||
Sie sie jedoch zur Ausübung, Verteidigung oder Geltendmachung | |||||
von Rechtsansprüchen benötigen, haben Sie das Recht, | |||||
statt der Löschung die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung | |||||
Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. | |||||
</li> | |||||
<li> | |||||
Wenn Sie einen Widerspruch nach Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO eingelegt | |||||
haben, muss eine Abwägung zwischen Ihren und unseren | |||||
Interessen vorgenommen werden. Solange noch nicht feststeht, | |||||
wessen Interessen überwiegen, haben Sie das Recht, die | |||||
Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten | |||||
zu verlangen. | |||||
</li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn Sie die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten | |||||
eingeschränkt haben, dürfen diese Daten – von ihrer | |||||
Speicherung abgesehen – nur mit Ihrer Einwilligung oder zur | |||||
Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von | |||||
Rechtsansprüchen oder zum Schutz der Rechte einer anderen | |||||
natürlichen oder juristischen Person oder aus Gründen | |||||
eines wichtigen öffentlichen Interesses der Europäischen | |||||
Union oder eines Mitgliedstaats verarbeitet werden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h2>4. Datenerfassung auf dieser Website</h2> | |||||
<h3>Cookies</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Unsere Internetseiten verwenden so genannte „Cookies“. | |||||
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien und richten auf Ihrem Endgerät | |||||
keinen Schaden an. Sie werden entweder vorübergehend für | |||||
die Dauer einer Sitzung (Session-Cookies) oder dauerhaft (permanente | |||||
Cookies) auf Ihrem Endgerät gespeichert. Session-Cookies werden | |||||
nach Ende Ihres Besuchs automatisch gelöscht. Permanente | |||||
Cookies bleiben auf Ihrem Endgerät gespeichert, bis Sie diese | |||||
selbst löschen oder eine automatische Löschung durch | |||||
Ihren Webbrowser erfolgt. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Teilweise können auch Cookies von Drittunternehmen auf Ihrem | |||||
Endgerät gespeichert werden, wenn Sie unsere Seite betreten | |||||
(Third-Party-Cookies). Diese ermöglichen uns oder Ihnen die | |||||
Nutzung bestimmter Dienstleistungen des Drittunternehmens (z.B. | |||||
Cookies zur Abwicklung von Zahlungsdienstleistungen). | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Cookies haben verschiedene Funktionen. Zahlreiche Cookies sind | |||||
technisch notwendig, da bestimmte Webseitenfunktionen ohne diese | |||||
nicht funktionieren würden (z.B. die Warenkorbfunktion oder die | |||||
Anzeige von Videos). Andere Cookies dienen dazu, das Nutzerverhalten | |||||
auszuwerten oder Werbung anzuzeigen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Cookies, die zur Durchführung des elektronischen | |||||
Kommunikationsvorgangs (notwendige Cookies) oder zur Bereitstellung | |||||
bestimmter, von Ihnen erwünschter Funktionen (funktionale | |||||
Cookies, z. B. für die Warenkorbfunktion) oder zur Optimierung | |||||
der Webseite (z.B. Cookies zur Messung des Webpublikums) | |||||
erforderlich sind, werden auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f | |||||
DSGVO gespeichert, sofern keine andere Rechtsgrundlage angegeben | |||||
wird. Der Websitebetreiber hat ein berechtigtes Interesse an der | |||||
Speicherung von Cookies zur technisch fehlerfreien und optimierten | |||||
Bereitstellung seiner Dienste. Sofern eine Einwilligung zur | |||||
Speicherung von Cookies abgefragt wurde, erfolgt die Speicherung der | |||||
betreffenden Cookies ausschließlich auf Grundlage dieser | |||||
Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO); die Einwilligung ist | |||||
jederzeit widerrufbar. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Sie können Ihren Browser so einstellen, dass Sie über das | |||||
Setzen von Cookies informiert werden und Cookies nur im Einzelfall | |||||
erlauben, die Annahme von Cookies für bestimmte Fälle oder | |||||
generell ausschließen sowie das automatische Löschen der | |||||
Cookies beim Schließen des Browsers aktivieren. Bei der | |||||
Deaktivierung von Cookies kann die Funktionalität dieser | |||||
Website eingeschränkt sein. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Soweit Cookies von Drittunternehmen oder zu Analysezwecken | |||||
eingesetzt werden, werden wir Sie hierüber im Rahmen dieser | |||||
Datenschutzerklärung gesondert informieren und ggf. eine | |||||
Einwilligung abfragen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Server-Log-Dateien</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Der Provider der Seiten erhebt und speichert automatisch | |||||
Informationen in so genannten Server-Log-Dateien, die Ihr Browser | |||||
automatisch an uns übermittelt. Dies sind: | |||||
</p> | |||||
<ul> | |||||
<li>Browsertyp und Browserversion</li> | |||||
<li>verwendetes Betriebssystem</li> | |||||
<li>Referrer URL</li> | |||||
<li>Hostname des zugreifenden Rechners</li> | |||||
<li>Uhrzeit der Serveranfrage</li> | |||||
<li>IP-Adresse</li> | |||||
</ul> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Eine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen wird | |||||
nicht vorgenommen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die Erfassung dieser Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 | |||||
lit. f DSGVO. Der Websitebetreiber hat ein berechtigtes Interesse an | |||||
der technisch fehlerfreien Darstellung und der Optimierung seiner | |||||
Website – hierzu müssen die Server-Log-Files erfasst | |||||
werden. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h3>Kontaktformular</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn Sie uns per Kontaktformular Anfragen zukommen lassen, werden | |||||
Ihre Angaben aus dem Anfrageformular inklusive der von Ihnen dort | |||||
angegebenen Kontaktdaten zwecks Bearbeitung der Anfrage und für | |||||
den Fall von Anschlussfragen bei uns gespeichert. Diese Daten geben | |||||
wir nicht ohne Ihre Einwilligung weiter. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. | |||||
1 lit. b DSGVO, sofern Ihre Anfrage mit der Erfüllung eines | |||||
Vertrags zusammenhängt oder zur Durchführung | |||||
vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich ist. In allen | |||||
übrigen Fällen beruht die Verarbeitung auf unserem | |||||
berechtigten Interesse an der effektiven Bearbeitung der an uns | |||||
gerichteten Anfragen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO) oder auf Ihrer | |||||
Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) sofern diese abgefragt | |||||
wurde. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Die von Ihnen im Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten verbleiben bei | |||||
uns, bis Sie uns zur Löschung auffordern, Ihre Einwilligung zur | |||||
Speicherung widerrufen oder der Zweck für die Datenspeicherung | |||||
entfällt (z. B. nach abgeschlossener Bearbeitung Ihrer | |||||
Anfrage). Zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen – insbesondere | |||||
Aufbewahrungsfristen – bleiben unberührt. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<h2>5. Plugins und Tools</h2> | |||||
<h3>Google Web Fonts</h3> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Diese Seite nutzt zur einheitlichen Darstellung von Schriftarten so | |||||
genannte Web Fonts, die von Google bereitgestellt werden. Beim | |||||
Aufruf einer Seite lädt Ihr Browser die benötigten Web | |||||
Fonts in ihren Browsercache, um Texte und Schriftarten korrekt | |||||
anzuzeigen. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Zu diesem Zweck muss der von Ihnen verwendete Browser Verbindung zu | |||||
den Servern von Google aufnehmen. Hierdurch erlangt Google Kenntnis | |||||
darüber, dass über Ihre IP-Adresse diese Website | |||||
aufgerufen wurde. Die Nutzung von Google WebFonts erfolgt auf | |||||
Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Webseitenbetreiber hat | |||||
ein berechtigtes Interesse an der einheitlichen Darstellung des | |||||
Schriftbildes auf seiner Webseite. Sofern eine entsprechende | |||||
Einwilligung abgefragt wurde (z. B. eine Einwilligung zur | |||||
Speicherung von Cookies), erfolgt die Verarbeitung | |||||
ausschließlich auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO; | |||||
die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Wenn Ihr Browser Web Fonts nicht unterstützt, wird eine | |||||
Standardschrift von Ihrem Computer genutzt. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Weitere Informationen zu Google Web Fonts finden Sie unter | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq" | |||||
target="_blank" | |||||
rel="noopener noreferrer" | |||||
>https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq</a | |||||
> | |||||
und in der Datenschutzerklärung von Google: | |||||
<a | |||||
href="https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de" | |||||
target="_blank" | |||||
rel="noopener noreferrer" | |||||
>https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de</a | |||||
>. | |||||
</p> | |||||
<p> | |||||
Quelle: | |||||
<a href="https://www.e-recht24.de/muster-datenschutzerklaerung.html" | |||||
>https://www.e-recht24.de/muster-datenschutzerklaerung.html</a | |||||
> | |||||
</p> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { ImpressumComponent } from './impressum.component'; | |||||
describe('ImpressumComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: ImpressumComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ImpressumComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ ImpressumComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ImpressumComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should create', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-impressum', | |||||
templateUrl: './impressum.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./impressum.component.css'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class ImpressumComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
constructor() { } | |||||
ngOnInit(): void { | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg fixed-top navbar-transparent" color-on-scroll="500"> | |||||
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<a class="nav-link" rel="tooltip" title="Star on GitHub" data-placement="bottom" href="https://github.com/JackWolfskind" target="_blank"> | |||||
<i class="fab fa-github"></i> | |||||
<p class="d-lg-none">GitHub</p> | |||||
</a> | |||||
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<a class="nav-link" rel="tooltip" title="my NPM Stuff" data-placement="bottom" href="https://www.npmjs.com/~cziermann" target="_blank"> | |||||
<i class="fab fa-npm"></i> | |||||
<p class="d-lg-none">NPM</p> | |||||
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</nav> |
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; | |||||
import { NavbarComponent } from './navbar.component'; | |||||
describe('NavbarComponent', () => { | |||||
let component: NavbarComponent; | |||||
let fixture: ComponentFixture<NavbarComponent>; | |||||
beforeEach(async(() => { | |||||
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ | |||||
declarations: [ NavbarComponent ] | |||||
}) | |||||
.compileComponents(); | |||||
})); | |||||
beforeEach(() => { | |||||
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NavbarComponent); | |||||
component = fixture.componentInstance; | |||||
fixture.detectChanges(); | |||||
}); | |||||
it('should be created', () => { | |||||
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); | |||||
}); | |||||
}); |
import { Component, OnInit, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; | |||||
import { Location, LocationStrategy, PathLocationStrategy } from '@angular/common'; | |||||
@Component({ | |||||
selector: 'app-navbar', | |||||
templateUrl: './navbar.component.html', | |||||
styleUrls: ['./navbar.component.scss'] | |||||
}) | |||||
export class NavbarComponent implements OnInit { | |||||
private toggleButton: any; | |||||
private sidebarVisible: boolean; | |||||
constructor(public location: Location, private element : ElementRef) { | |||||
this.sidebarVisible = false; | |||||
} | |||||
ngOnInit() { | |||||
const navbar: HTMLElement = this.element.nativeElement; | |||||
this.toggleButton = navbar.getElementsByClassName('navbar-toggler')[0]; | |||||
} | |||||
sidebarOpen() { | |||||
const toggleButton = this.toggleButton; | |||||
const html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; | |||||
// console.log(html); | |||||
// console.log(toggleButton, 'toggle'); | |||||
setTimeout(function(){ | |||||
toggleButton.classList.add('toggled'); | |||||
}, 500); | |||||
html.classList.add('nav-open'); | |||||
this.sidebarVisible = true; | |||||
}; | |||||
sidebarClose() { | |||||
const html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; | |||||
// console.log(html); | |||||
this.toggleButton.classList.remove('toggled'); | |||||
this.sidebarVisible = false; | |||||
html.classList.remove('nav-open'); | |||||
}; | |||||
sidebarToggle() { | |||||
// const toggleButton = this.toggleButton; | |||||
// const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; | |||||
if (this.sidebarVisible === false) { | |||||
this.sidebarOpen(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
this.sidebarClose(); | |||||
} | |||||
}; | |||||
isHome() { | |||||
var titlee = this.location.prepareExternalUrl(this.location.path()); | |||||
if(titlee.charAt(0) === '#'){ | |||||
titlee = titlee.slice( 1 ); | |||||
} | |||||
if( titlee === '/home' ) { | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
isDocumentation() { | |||||
var titlee = this.location.prepareExternalUrl(this.location.path()); | |||||
if(titlee.charAt(0) === '#'){ | |||||
titlee = titlee.slice( 1 ); | |||||
} | |||||
if( titlee === '/documentation' ) { | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
return false; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/*-------------------------------- | |||||
nucleo-icons Web Font - built using nucleoapp.com | |||||
License - nucleoapp.com/license/ | |||||
-------------------------------- */ | |||||
@font-face { | |||||
font-family: 'nucleo-icons'; | |||||
src: url('../fonts/nucleo-icons.eot'); | |||||
src: url('../fonts/nucleo-icons.eot') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/nucleo-icons.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/nucleo-icons.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/nucleo-icons.ttf') format('truetype'); | |||||
font-weight: normal; | |||||
font-style: normal; | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
base class definition | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon { | |||||
display: inline-block; | |||||
font: normal normal normal 14px/1 'nucleo-icons'; | |||||
font-size: inherit; | |||||
speak: none; | |||||
text-transform: none; | |||||
/* Better Font Rendering */ | |||||
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; | |||||
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
change icon size | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon.lg { | |||||
font-size: 1.33333333em; | |||||
vertical-align: -16%; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.x2 { | |||||
font-size: 2em; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.x3 { | |||||
font-size: 3em; | |||||
} | |||||
/*---------------------------------- | |||||
add a square/circle background | |||||
-----------------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon.square, | |||||
.nc-icon.circle { | |||||
padding: 0.33333333em; | |||||
vertical-align: -16%; | |||||
background-color: #eee; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.circle { | |||||
border-radius: 50%; | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
list icons | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon-ul { | |||||
padding-left: 0; | |||||
margin-left: 2.14285714em; | |||||
list-style-type: none; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon-ul > li { | |||||
position: relative; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon-ul > li > .nc-icon { | |||||
position: absolute; | |||||
left: -1.57142857em; | |||||
top: 0.14285714em; | |||||
text-align: center; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon-ul > li > .nc-icon.lg { | |||||
top: 0; | |||||
left: -1.35714286em; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon-ul > li > .nc-icon.circle, | |||||
.nc-icon-ul > li > .nc-icon.square { | |||||
top: -0.19047619em; | |||||
left: -1.9047619em; | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
spinning icons | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon.spin { | |||||
-webkit-animation: nc-icon-spin 2s infinite linear; | |||||
-moz-animation: nc-icon-spin 2s infinite linear; | |||||
animation: nc-icon-spin 2s infinite linear; | |||||
} | |||||
@-webkit-keyframes nc-icon-spin { | |||||
0% { | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
} | |||||
100% { | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@-moz-keyframes nc-icon-spin { | |||||
0% { | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
} | |||||
100% { | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@keyframes nc-icon-spin { | |||||
0% { | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
-ms-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
-o-transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
transform: rotate(0deg); | |||||
} | |||||
100% { | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
-ms-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
-o-transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
transform: rotate(360deg); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
rotated/flipped icons | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-icon.rotate-90 { | |||||
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1); | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(90deg); | |||||
-ms-transform: rotate(90deg); | |||||
-o-transform: rotate(90deg); | |||||
transform: rotate(90deg); | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.rotate-180 { | |||||
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(180deg); | |||||
-ms-transform: rotate(180deg); | |||||
-o-transform: rotate(180deg); | |||||
transform: rotate(180deg); | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.rotate-270 { | |||||
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); | |||||
-webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); | |||||
-moz-transform: rotate(270deg); | |||||
-ms-transform: rotate(270deg); | |||||
-o-transform: rotate(270deg); | |||||
transform: rotate(270deg); | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.flip-y { | |||||
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0); | |||||
-webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); | |||||
-moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); | |||||
-ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); | |||||
-o-transform: scale(-1, 1); | |||||
transform: scale(-1, 1); | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-icon.flip-x { | |||||
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); | |||||
-webkit-transform: scale(1, -1); | |||||
-moz-transform: scale(1, -1); | |||||
-ms-transform: scale(1, -1); | |||||
-o-transform: scale(1, -1); | |||||
transform: scale(1, -1); | |||||
} | |||||
/*------------------------ | |||||
font icons | |||||
-------------------------*/ | |||||
.nc-air-baloon::before { | |||||
content: "\ea01"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-album-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea02"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-alert-circle-i::before { | |||||
content: "\ea04"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-align-center::before { | |||||
content: "\ea03"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-align-left-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea05"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-ambulance::before { | |||||
content: "\ea06"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-app::before { | |||||
content: "\ea07"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-atom::before { | |||||
content: "\ea08"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-badge::before { | |||||
content: "\ea09"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bag-16::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bank::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-basket::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bell-55::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bold::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-book-bookmark::before { | |||||
content: "\ea0f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bookmark-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea10"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-box-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea11"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-box::before { | |||||
content: "\ea12"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-briefcase-24::before { | |||||
content: "\ea13"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bulb-63::before { | |||||
content: "\ea14"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bullet-list-67::before { | |||||
content: "\ea15"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-bus-front-12::before { | |||||
content: "\ea16"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-button-pause::before { | |||||
content: "\ea17"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-button-play::before { | |||||
content: "\ea18"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-button-power::before { | |||||
content: "\ea19"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-calendar-60::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-camera-compact::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-caps-small::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-cart-simple::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-chart-bar-32::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-chart-pie-36::before { | |||||
content: "\ea1f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-chat-33::before { | |||||
content: "\ea20"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-check-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea21"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-circle-10::before { | |||||
content: "\ea22"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-cloud-download-93::before { | |||||
content: "\ea23"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-cloud-upload-94::before { | |||||
content: "\ea24"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-compass-05::before { | |||||
content: "\ea25"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-controller-modern::before { | |||||
content: "\ea26"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-credit-card::before { | |||||
content: "\ea27"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-delivery-fast::before { | |||||
content: "\ea28"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-diamond::before { | |||||
content: "\ea29"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-email-85::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-favourite-28::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-glasses-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-globe-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-globe::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-hat-3::before { | |||||
content: "\ea2f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-headphones::before { | |||||
content: "\ea30"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-html5::before { | |||||
content: "\ea31"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-image::before { | |||||
content: "\ea32"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-istanbul::before { | |||||
content: "\ea33"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-key-25::before { | |||||
content: "\ea34"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-laptop::before { | |||||
content: "\ea35"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-layout-11::before { | |||||
content: "\ea36"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-lock-circle-open::before { | |||||
content: "\ea37"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-map-big::before { | |||||
content: "\ea38"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-minimal-down::before { | |||||
content: "\ea39"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-minimal-left::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-minimal-right::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-minimal-up::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-mobile::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-money-coins::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-note-03::before { | |||||
content: "\ea3f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-palette::before { | |||||
content: "\ea40"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-paper::before { | |||||
content: "\ea41"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-pin-3::before { | |||||
content: "\ea42"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-planet::before { | |||||
content: "\ea43"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-refresh-69::before { | |||||
content: "\ea44"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-ruler-pencil::before { | |||||
content: "\ea45"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-satisfied::before { | |||||
content: "\ea46"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-scissors::before { | |||||
content: "\ea47"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-send::before { | |||||
content: "\ea48"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-settings-gear-65::before { | |||||
content: "\ea49"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-settings::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-share-66::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-shop::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-simple-add::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-simple-delete::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-simple-remove::before { | |||||
content: "\ea4f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-single-02::before { | |||||
content: "\ea50"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-single-copy-04::before { | |||||
content: "\ea51"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-sound-wave::before { | |||||
content: "\ea52"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-spaceship::before { | |||||
content: "\ea53"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-sun-fog-29::before { | |||||
content: "\ea54"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-support-17::before { | |||||
content: "\ea55"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tablet-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea56"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tag-content::before { | |||||
content: "\ea57"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tap-01::before { | |||||
content: "\ea58"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tie-bow::before { | |||||
content: "\ea59"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tile-56::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5a"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-time-alarm::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5b"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-touch-id::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5c"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-trophy::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5d"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-tv-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5e"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-umbrella-13::before { | |||||
content: "\ea5f"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-user-run::before { | |||||
content: "\ea60"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-vector::before { | |||||
content: "\ea61"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-watch-time::before { | |||||
content: "\ea62"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-world-2::before { | |||||
content: "\ea63"; | |||||
} | |||||
.nc-zoom-split::before { | |||||
content: "\ea64"; | |||||
} | |||||
/* all icon font classes list here */ |